We built a home last year in the beautiful field my Dad
gifted me...(well I think he was so thrilled to get us to move out that it
seemed a small price to pay). My mother is an amazing gardener and has a large
stunning garden, I will post some photos later...she has in her day planted literally
thousands of trees and has acres of forests...she has done her bit for the
environment for sure! Her garden is mature and really settled, yet when we go
plant shopping the lady never leaves empty handed...She encourages us to
collect seeds, take cuttings and slips and is delighted that all her children
adore gardening... and we all do.
Gardening for me is therapeutic and so enjoyable...a form of
meditation. I love spending time outside planting, propagating and less enjoyable
for me...weeding. I seem to have crops of thistles (as in waist high) and they
are loving my garden, I spent yesterday weeding and nobody would ever
know...you would not miss the 300+ thistles I murdered!
This is a young garden less than a year old and so far it is
teaching me patience and perseverance. Like all things in life you must show
up, put the time in and do what you can...then release. I can't fight an acre
of thistles or the hundreds of slugs that seem to be residing avec nous...but I
can keep trying. This year is about converting the field into a garden and I
have moments where I think I might be winning!!
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